Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

Over the last few weeks Emma and I have found a trait which is developing in the Jam-Eater and we haven’t a clue where its come from.  Obviously her good looks came from Emma and her sparkling charm and wit came from me (modesty too!), but neither myself or Emma is competitive in the slightest.  […]

Fifty shades of Tumble

I intended writing something semi-serious and it just turned into more smut.  Not my fault particularly this time though. Men are generally portrayed as the more lustful and downright pervy of the two sexes.  You know what, I always thought that was the case.  I have now decided I was wrong, very wrong.  The realisation […]

YouTube: The Next Generation

I’m only 33 but I know I’m getting that little bit older when I find myself muttering ‘what the f*** is that all about’ under my breath. I usually do it when TOWIE, a Kardashian or Mr Tumble is on the TV.  The latest instance is down to ‘Kids Youtube’. That’s right you heard me, […]

The Temper Trap

All kids have tantrums I get that, I also know a lot of adults who do it to be honest. The thing is with the Jam-eater is that she has a set repertoire of tantrums which only consists of five moves. That’s all, five basic moves which generally control our lives and I’m pretty sure […]

AKA Daddy AKA Fatty

I was hit by a realisation I’ve been ignoring for years yesterday, not between the eyes, but in the knees. Both of the them.  Emma and I took the Jam-eater trampolining and I have to admit it was pretty good fun. In fact I had so much fun, I was oblivious to the fact that […]

DJ, play a song for the Mothers

I write this as someone who lost their Mother nearly three years ago, so granted today, Mothers Day, is quite a bittersweet day. As hard as it is not being able to pop along to my Mam’s house with a box of chocolates and flowers, we get the amazing job of spoiling Emma, my Wife […]

The Bumhole Breakdown

I mentioned a couple of weeks back that we had started Potty Training, so I thought I would provide a quick update. It’s not got going swimmingly, I have to admit.  I think Flo is testing us now as she was game as a badger before, but due to work etc, we had to delay […]


Well i’m not moonlighting as such, however I have just written a piece for the lovely folk at  ‘Little Girls are allowed to like Star Wars too, right?’ is now on their website at: There are loads of lovely people over there and you never know, it may become your new favourite place. […]